I am a wife and a mom. I have 5 children, 4 of them have 4 legs š. I live in the small little town of Gold Hill, NC. About 5 years ago me and my husband started dating and well he told me I wouldn't like hunting and let's just say killing bambi was on my list of things I wanted to accomplish in life, so I agreed and went on about my day while he was in the woods. Then I decided very late one year, when it was nice and cool that I would try it, I mean after all sometimes you have to compromise, right?! So he got me all setup and off we went. I remember sitting in that stand with him was so nerve wracking. If I breathed to deep he would look at me, if I swallowed to hard, I would get another look. Y'all would think I would have been more than ready to get down, but... When you watch the woods come alive like I did that morning, seeing them for the first time like that, well it was beautiful. I loved the peace and beauty of it all. Once we got home. He just smiled and said so I guess you don't wanna go again... To which I replied, " I need my own hunting clothes". Y'all should have seen his face. It was like a deer in headlights!!! He said really...are you sure? Yep I'm excited when can we do this again š, I replied.
So that was the beginning of this beautiful journey. Now it is about providing for our family. Myself, my husband and our son all hunt. We first look for our buck of the year and then we focus on filling the freezer. We have also gave plenty away to provide for nursing homes and other families. When the rest of the world was stressing over mear we had deer meat. Now granted I do like chicken too š.
So that's my story. Another day...I will add the story of my biggest kill to date and what I went through to bring that bad boy home to my family.